mardi 22 février 2011

Is cannabis really bad ?

We can see that cannabis is less dangerous than alcohol & tobacco , but it's illegal in the majority of countries.
Why ?

49 commentaires:

  1. cause shit happens when you're high. lol.

  2. Me and my friends used it this weekend (I live in Holland) one of them puked like 3 liters of stinking stuff and chicken. Seriously

  3. I don't know, but I think there's a reason why alcohol and tabacco are legal and the rest isn't.

  4. It's ridiculous. You have massive tobacco and alcohol companies lobbying to keep other drugs illegal and to make sure theirs are widely accessible. It's ludicrous, people do not die from marijuana.

  5. I think it's definitely down to the consumer, some do use responsibility and simply others don't

  6. It is in America because of a smear campaign in the early 1900's. Hemp would have become more popular than cotton, and we couldn't have that.

  7. illegal cause of lobbyists and politicians and such

  8. Tobacco and Alcohol is much cheaper here.

  9. Cannabis is mostly bad for the cotton industry which is why its illegal.

  10. It should be legalized, all that money in the black market would arise and pay taxes too.

  11. I admit, I am not sure where I stand on this. If they tax it correctly, and can prove it is not as dangerous as other legal substances, I would probably be ok with it.

  12. Is it bad? No. The issue is that our governments haven't found a way to make a decent amount of money off of it yet. Tax it like cigarettes, make it legal, and let's lower the PEOPLE'S taxes!

    Following and supporting

    Garage Zoku

  13. I don't really disagree with cannabis. I think it should be legal but with limits.. Especially for who studies.

  14. Politics, the public is not ready in most countries to support a lift on the cannabis law. And there's nothing more important for a politician than to remain relatively popular.

  15. Marijuana is illegal because of one tardface: Harry J. Anslinger.

  16. This argument has always been a conversation starter. The image you posted is very interesting. Great post!

  17. Dude try living in the Netherlands like I do. Its not entirely legal here, but you can buy weed from legal shops!

  18. Huh, I never thought about it that much. anyway I love the life hacks.

  19. Hahah, Netherlands would be awesome!

  20. I would show this to my girlfriend. thank you

  21. I've never done weed but I have no problem legalizing it.

  22. the list of reasons why legalization makes sense would go on forever. cannabis is barely even abusable.

  23. It's not like alcohol for one thing. So no, not bad. Just not legal for whatever reason. Don't understand it. Tax it and baam, you have a massive profit for the state.

  24. I've heard that it was supposedly outlawed as a smear campaign when hemp was poised to replace wood as a universal substance, but who knows? following.

  25. In the US i've heard it's mostly cause of the paper industry.

  26. I've been discussing this many times with friends, teachers and my dad. And as KUSHtunes says one of the reasons it was ilegalized was because it could be used instead such things as paper and that would destroy the whole paper business

  27. It should be legal, but it won't be anytime soon. And to be honest pot smokers, it will be much more expensive if it ever does get legalized because the government will take full advantage of taxing it--for good reason.

  28. It SHOULDN'T be LEGAL...I'm a former long time smoker....I think it should be legalized federally for medicinal purposes only....It is addictive, anyone that says it isn't is a tard...Try smoking everyday for a year and stop...You will go through withdrawals....That being said....Smoking is bad for as is SMOKING ANYTHING IS!

  29. There is a difference is Cannabis and HEMP!!!!

    The word "hemp" is English for a number of varieties of the cannabis plant, particularly the varieties like "industrial hemp" that were bred over time for industrial uses such as fuel, fiber, paper, seed, food, oil, etc.

    The term "marijuana" is of Spanish derivation, and was primarily used to describe varieties of cannabis that were more commonly bred over time for medicinal and recreational purposes, like cannabis indica , and certain strains of cannabis sativa.

    In fact, when all forms of hemp were made illegal in the early part of the last century, it was used in the majority of the prescription drugs then sold in America. That was certainly no accident. Those who favor the use of what is now called "medical marijuana" recognize these strong medicinal qualities.

    But marijuana and the medical or recreational varieties of cannabis are not really at issue today, because science readily allows us to distinguish them from industrial hemp by simple tests for the huge difference in the potency of the plants, i.e. the percentage of the psychotropic ingredient: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC"), the active psychotropic ingredient found in the leaves and flowers of the female plant, but not in her seeds or stems.

    Two cannabinoids are preponderant in cannabis: THC, the psychoactive ingredient, and CBD, which is an antipsychoactive ingredient. Marijuana is high in the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, and low in the antipsychoactive cannabinoid, CBD. The reverse is true for industrial hemp; when hemp was or is bred for its desirable industrial qualities, the percentage of THC is minimal, while the percentage of CBD is high.

    While marijuana has a potency range of 3% to 20% by dry weight of THC, industrial hemp is generally defined as having less than 1.0% THC, and the normal range is under 0.5%. These THC levels are so low that no one could get high from smoking it. To receive a standard psychoactive dose would require a person to power-smoke 10-12 hemp cigarettes over an extremely short period of time. The large volume and high temperature of vapor, gas and smoke would be almost impossible for a person to withstand.

    Moreover, hemp contains a relatively high percentage of another cannabinoid, CBD, that actually blocks the marijuana high. Hemp, it turns out, is not only not marijuana; it could be called "antimarijuana."

  30. Make the greens legal and tax it, two problems solved in one.

  31. I think it's beacause tobacco producers opposed to it a lot of time ago, thus being a natural rival for them. And they won. Maybe n_n

  32. short answer: no
    long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooo

  33. legalize it dont criticize it!!

  34. i dont think it should be legal :P

  35. nope, cannibis is not bad. should be legalized, regulated, and taxed for a profit. why the hell not?

  36. Isn't likely to ever be legal though, is it?

    Regardless of what arguments you put forward, it's a drug, and they get all sorts of stigma attached to them by association with other, dangerous drugs :\

  37. If it were to be legalized, then some folk will try to force the same for LSD. Moreover, by legalizing one 'drug' people will try to the same for the chems used to make ecstasy and other 'recreational' drugs.

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